15 aug. 2011

Det finns ingen bättre doft

...att fylla lägenheten med än den av äppelkrämskokning. Svenska äpplen, förstås. Mina favoritäppelsorter för kräm, mos och äppelkakor är Aroma, Discovery och Bramley. Gravensteiner är inte så dum den heller.

Nu stänger jag datorn för idag och hugger in på avsvalnad kräm med mjölk. Hur äter du helst äpplen? Råa, kokade, bakade, varma eller kalla?

ENGLISH: There's nothing better than when the apartment smells of stewed apples. Locally grown, of course. My favourite apple sorts for baking and stewing are: Aroma, Discovery, Gravensteiner and Bramley. Computer off! for today and I'm going to the kitchen for a bowl of cooled apple stew with milk. How do you like to eat apples?

4 kommentarer:

  1. I eat apples any way I can! raw, cut up and dipped in caramel sauce, in a pie...anyway you want to give them to me. My favorites are Fuji, Red Delicious, Pink Lady, and Cameo, all of which are grown here in Washington. I love living in apple country!

  2. Echo: Oh you live in Washington state? You lucky! I remember as a kid I saw photos of huuuge orchards in Washington. Rows that went on for miles. :) I always dreamed of going there. Hopefully someday I will!

  3. You should! Washington is a funny state...the west is all water, trees, and mist. In the east are the orchards, the desert, the palouse (definitely something to check out), and the farms. And in the middle are the gigantic mountains. I love it!

  4. Echo: It all sounds fantastic! I had to image google "the palouse", which is completely new to me. Looks like something out of a fairytale! :)
